If you're wanting to Embrace a Healthy Lifestyle with Ease and Confidence…

and you’re ready to transform your health and well-being so that you can live a life full of energy… then you’re in the right place!

Featured in:

The Health and Wellness Membership for Women Over 40 Who Want to Look and Feel The Best They’ve Ever Felt!

Your roadmap to wellness; walking you through the 7 key steps to building the foundations for ultimate healthy habits.

I've got you, I have been there myself!

Are you a dedicated mid-life mum who has struggled with weight gain, body aches, and failed diets?

You're not alone.

I’m Kim, a Women’s Health Coach specialising in low-carb living. I’m passionate about helping dedicated mid-life women like you shed those extra kilos, rediscover your confidence, and embrace a healthier lifestyle.

I’ve been in your shoes and understand the frustration and disappointment. But guess what? I’ve found a solution and I can’t wait to share it with you.

Combining the expertise of an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Qualified Chef, and Trusted Recipe Developer, I’ll help you create lasting healthy habits. After working together you’ll have the tools and knowledge to fuel your body, ignite self-belief, and embrace a healthy lifestyle that lasts.

1:1 Health Coaching

Recipe eBook

Free Content

eat better, feel better, live better

Tired of tasting the same flavours every night?

Take a break from bland with over 60 recipes that'll make your taste buds sing! My family-friendly, grain-free, gluten-free, and sugar-free dishes are sure to please. What are you waiting for?

Client love

"Kim knows her stuff! I enjoyed working with her and I realised that creating change doesn't have to be scary, I can do it my way and Kim's there if I need her help!"
- Sally R, Gippsland Vic
"Well, Kim's recipes are a hit in my house. What an awesome gift!!!"
- Alma B, Marylands USA
"I definitely sleep better and feel less inflamed in my body. Kim has given me the new mindset that it's ok, it's not a pass or fail."
- Ali P, Queensland Aus

Are you ready to discover how to easily curb carb cravings and live an energy-filled life?

Quick & Easy Recipes For All Day Energy

Feeling sluggish and drained?

Ready to energise your body with simple, delicious meals that are free from sugar?

​ If you answered 'YES' then this ebook will be perfect for you.